72 New Romances to Heat Up Your Summer

Posted by Sharon on June 10, 2022

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date….
That, of course, is our man in Stratford-upon-Avon, William Shakespeare, extolling the virtues of summer romance way back in 1609. Summertime is the best time for love, everyone knows this. Because it’s hott.
Each calendar month here at Goodreads World Headquarters, we generate lists of that month’s most anticipated books—including romance and young adult titles—by way of early reviews and readers’ Want to Read shelves. But that approach leaves a lot left over, especially in the romance category, and especially in summer.
So we’ve gathered here enough new romances to keep you reading all season long. After all, everyone deserves a shot at love. Royal Guardswomen. Movie stars. Neanderthals. Perhaps most importantly: Bookworms.
Scroll over the book covers to learn more about each title, and add the ones that catch your eye to your Want to Read shelf.





Which romances are you most looking forward to reading this summer? Tell us in the comments below!

Check out more recent articles:
New LGBTQ+ Romances to Read for Pride (and All Year Long)
Guaranteed, Reader-Approved Summer Page-Turners by Genre
Readers' Most Anticipated June Romances

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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message 1: by Mickey (new)

Mickey ALL of them!!!! Summer reading is the best - long, lazy hours of daylight, oh my!

message 2: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn I love to read, period...

message 3: by Margot (new)

Margot I am so disappointed with this list of books. There are none by at least 10 of my favorite authors who are each releasing books this summer.

message 4: by Brynn (new)

Brynn Anyone else have a double take at the dog on the cover of Maggie Moves On that looks like it's coming out of the My Killer Vacation cover?

message 5: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Brynn wrote: "Anyone else have a double take at the dog on the cover of Maggie Moves On that looks like it's coming out of the My Killer Vacation cover?"

Lol that’s funny. Thanks for pointing that out!

Sharnett the Reader Mickey wrote: "ALL of them!!!! Summer reading is the best - long, lazy hours of daylight, oh my!"


Sharnett the Reader Carolyn wrote: "I love to read, period..."


message 8: by Cay (new)

Cay Husband Material / Alexis Hall.

message 9: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth None in your list. All of Christina Dudley's series.

message 10: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne OH my goodness. I want to read pretty much all of them. I am studying for a masters degree, so when I have time, I like a romance to take my mind to another reality!

message 11: by Katherine (new)

Katherine Margot wrote: "I am so disappointed with this list of books. There are none by at least 10 of my favorite authors who are each releasing books this summer."

who are your fav authors?

message 12: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Workman this list is dangerous. i have purchased so many of these books already. my summer tbr is growing at an alarming rate!

message 13: by astrid (new)

astrid the books under august seem so promising omg

message 14: by Selma (new)

Selma Christensen Mickey wrote: "ALL of them!!!! Summer reading is the best - long, lazy hours of daylight, oh my!"


message 15: by Cheryl (new)

Cheryl Can I say how much I hate the cartoony type covers. Yeah, romance reading is usually on the lighter side, but does it have to look like a children's book? I see it in many genres, usually thankfully not thrillers, but it does seem to be the trend with many new releases. Those types of covers put me off completely.

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