Posted On: Mar 17, 2022

Today, we are excited to announce the general availability (GA) of a feature that allows AWS Chatbot customers to manage AWS resources and remediate issues in AWS workloads from their Slack channels. AWS Chatbot customers can do this by running AWS CLI commands and AWS System Manager Automation Runbooks from Slack channels. Previously, AWS customers could only monitor AWS resources and retrieve diagnostic information using AWS Chatbot.

With this feature, customers can now monitor, operate, and troubleshoot AWS workloads from Slack channels without switching context between Slack and other AWS Management Tools. Customers can securely run AWS CLI commands to perform common DevOps tasks, such as scaling EC2 instances, running Systems Manager runbooks, and changing Lambda concurrency limits. Additionally, service administrators can use policy guardrails as well as account-level and user-role permissions to meet their security and compliance needs.

In November 2021, we announced the preview of this feature update to the AWS Chatbot. In addition to the preview feature set, we are introducing improvements that allow customers to specify multiple guardrail policies in a chat configuration, giving more control in securing channel permissions.

You can use AWS Chatbot in any commercial AWS Region. Please refer to the Regional Product and Services table for details about AWS Chatbot availability. Visit the product page & blog to explore more about AWS resource management using AWS CLI commands in the AWS Chatbot.